Friday, March 23, 2007

Planning for Retirement

Dear Mr Tan

I would like to seek your advice on planning for retirement.

Currently, I am 37 years. I have 2 sons and my mother to take care. I have done some insurance planning & annunity for my mother. But, I am not sure whether it is sufficient.

We have incomeshield plan "b". But, we want to take up the Enhanced ishield basic rider, we have exclusions on the family members. Do you think we should accept the exclusions?

What do you think of share investments and unit trusts? I have invested in Tech fund as well as shares using CPF. As for unit trust, I bought 'Bridge' from POSB using special account.


My reply:

I hope that it is all right with you, if I ask X to advise you. X is an insurance adviser with NTUC Income. I am confident that he wil be able to give you good advice as the products from NTUC Income provide good value to the consumers. I have recommend many of my friends to X and he has served them well.

You can also read about some of these FAQs:

Ideal plan

They are posted in FAQ

You can also read my financial planning tips in my website,


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,

    Are there any financial products for elderlies who are already with some illness? Eg. Diabetes or kidney problems. What would be your advise for such elderlies since during their time they are not familiar with insurance products?
