Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Interview in Straits Times

I received this e-mail from a friend, very early in the morning.

Kin Lian,

I saw your story in Monday Interview in the Straits Times. It is interesting to read about your childhood days and your values that shape your character. There is a lot of mention about your blog. Keep up the good work.


  1. Dear Mr Tan

    I am inspired by your account on how you have built NTUC INCOME since at the top at age 29. Your contributions to the insurance industry has so much insight that as young finacial planners should look up to and learn from.

    The story was engaging and sincere.

  2. Mr Tan, Congratulations! That was a great interview in Life! You kept up with your reputation for being a straight talker, never hesitant to share a personal perspective nor afraid to open up on personal details. In a society where people are needlessly self-effacing, and tend to mistake self confidence for being "shameless self-publicist", you show the way by doing and saying what you feel is right, never mind what others think or make up in their complicated minds. For all that you have done at NTUC Income and elsewhere, you have earned speaking rights. Others should listen and speak up too :)

  3. Mr Tan - I am sure after the interview report, more people will start coming to your blog, at least I hope so. It is one of the most useful blog in the world I come across. If Xiaxue has much more hits than your blog, what does it say about our society? There are rooms for more different varieties of blogs as there are orchids in the wild - I read Xiaxue from time to time, I read chubby hubby if I want to find out where to go for nice food. If I need advice and serious non political viewpoints I read your blog. Keep on blogging.

  4. I am touched by your filial piety towards your father.

    The love you shown for him waiting for his return is touching.

    I wish such value will be taught.

    We should love and appreciate our parents.

    -Thomas Phua
