Monday, March 05, 2007

Successful aging

Someone sent to me an article about successful aging.

The authors (Rowe and Khan, 1998) said that successful aging is determined by individual lifestyle choices in diet, exercise, pursuit of mental challenges, self sufficiency and involvement with other people.

They define it as:

* ability to maintain a low rate of disease and disease related disability
* high mental and physical functions
* active engagement with life

Another author (Novak, 1985) define it as "a good old age ... comes about when, given a basic income, reasonable health, good self-esteem and a little energy, a person sets out to discover a meaningful life."

Another author (Wong, 1998) said, "Successful aging is about positive attitudes towards life and death, about the spiritual and existential quests, and about personal growth in wisdom and spirituality". Successful aging is 80% attitude and 20% everyting else.

My uncle Larry Koh, who passed away two weeks ago, displayed a positive attitude towards life. Although he had been in poor health for a few years, he "enjoyed life to the fullest" (his quote).

He engaged in activies that occupy his mind, and enjoyed interacting with other people. He made it a point to go out on the MRT train to visit places, in a wheelchair.

Here is my tip: If you like a mental challenge, try this puzzle at Logic9

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