Friday, April 27, 2007

False resume to get a job

I saw on television that a prominent person in USA had to resign, as she had given a false resume in applying for a job.

A few weeks ago, a local newspaper also reported this situation in Singapore. It seems to be quite common for a person to give a false statement to get a job. The penalty is light.

In my view, a person who deliberately makes a false statement in a resume is committing a crime, and is really cheating. The culprit should be punished criminally.

In recruiting people, I do not give much weight to paper qualification or past working experience. I judge a person based on character, and look later at the actual performance in the job.


  1. How do you assess character in the short span of an interview? That's not enough to have character, you need knowledge, skills, getting on with people skills as well. Character is important but not sufficient for a person to stay on a job. If he has a good character but is a dunce, the company will stay where it is, no innovations...probably still using windows 3.1 and typewriters.Please comment

  2. Mr. Tan

    How long do you need to judge a person's character?

    Among other things, acadamic achievements meant something: attitude.

    Chracter is not Attitude.

  3. In my opinion, it is easier to judge a person's character, than his competence, in an interview.

    The interviewers can ask a few questions about the person's attitude towards life, values and his behaviour in past situations.

    Many Singaporeans prefer to rely on paper record, rather than to make this judgement. This is why there are not comfortable about my suggestion.

    I wish to clarify that the basic qualification is still important. For a technical job, the technical skills and knowledge are still required. But, they should not be the key factor in making the final selection of the suitable candidate.
