Saturday, April 28, 2007

Long Travelling Time on Buses

Commuters complained about the long waiting and travelling time on buses.

Reason? This is due mainly to the current system of bus services:

* there are nearly 300 bus services covering different combinations of travel
* each service has up to 60 stops
* it takes about 75 minutes (off-peak) or 2 hours (peak) to complete the full journey
* up to 10 services can pass by a particular stop
* the commuter has to wait up to 15 minutes for a particular bus

Here is how a different system can look like:

* 30 express services can cover the major roads in Singapore
* each express service can have about 5 stops
* feeder services using small buses can take passengers to the express or MRT stops
* waiting time for a feeder service is less than 3 minutes
* there are more stops for feeder service
* the total waiting and travelling time can reduce by about 30% (my estimate)

You can read my posting about a similar arrangement used in Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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