Friday, May 11, 2007

Tell your friends about my blog

I now get about 500 visitors a day.

My target is to increase it to 1,000 visitors within one month. I need your help. Can you tell your friends to visit my blog?

Here is a message that you can broadcast to them. Thanks for your help:


Dear Friend,

Mr Tan Kin Lian writes a blog. He updates it daily with tips on financial planning, insurance and other ways to enjoy a better lifestyle. I find his advice to be interesting and relevant. You can visit his blog at

On some days, there are more than 10 postings. They are written in his simple, easy to read manner. Someone said that it is like reading a newspaper.


  1. are u gonna respond to the column about you in today newspaper?

  2. Dear Sophie

    I have sent a reply to Today paper. I shall post my reply tomorrow (Friday) in tihs blog.

  3. You may want to put in a wedget that allows people to click, enter friend's email and forward the friends.

    If you are serious about growing blog traffic, you should consider your own domain and hosting. You can tehn add all the cool plug-in to make the blog work harder for you.

  4. hi! for creating a widget, maybe this website is useful

  5. okay. no problem. love to be of assistance. :)

  6. Is that 1000 visitors per day? or per month? :)

  7. what is the reason for wanting 1000 per day? is that an ego trip? Where is ego after a person is 100 years old? All egos are impermanent; all CEO positions do not last that long too!
