Thursday, April 26, 2007

Term insurance at Aviva's website

Hi Mr. Tan,

Thanks for your great and informative blog. I’ve learnt quite a lot from the regular reading of your blog…

For the term insurance from Aviva, are you referring to the SAF Group Term Insurance by Aviva? Or is it another term insurance for the general public?



I was referring to the term insurance offered to the general public, which is published in Aviva's website. You can use Google search to look for "Aviva". They have an advertisement.

I believe that Aviva offers a term insurance to soldiers in SAF at a much lower premium rate. It is a good deal for our soldiers. NTUC Income offers a similar attractive deal to public officers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    I will introduce your blog to my friends as they are frank and good advice for the public.

    Although the term insurance for public officers are attractive ,you will not be insured when you leave your company.

    Is there any other term policy that will cover till your retirement age continously
