Sunday, May 13, 2007

Interview: My blogging experience

I gave this e-mail interview about my blogging experience. The newspaper just printed one line.


I'm doing a story about older people who blog. As you understand, blogging is often taken to be a younger person's phenomenom. But we are trying to show the exceptions.

1. What got you to start blogging?

I created my blog about two years ago, after reading a newspaper article. I found it easy to create and maintain a blog. I created my blog to offer my views on financial matters, investments and insurance. Many people write to me for advice. I also wanted to give my views on social issues, so that more people can learn to live a better life in Singapore.

2. What's your philosophy on blogging?

My philosophy is:

* be helpful
* be positive
* keep things simple

3. How has your blogging experience been so far? What have you learnt?

I enjoyed writing my blog. Many of my regular visitors tell me that they enjoy reading my blog. They find my views to be useful and refreshing. Some told me that they are regular visitors.

I learned that it is better to keep the blog simple and short. Many people find it easier to read.

4. Any surprising insights?

Many people like things to be simple. Often, I am not able to give a complete answer. But, people find my answers to be acceptable. They will take what they can use. They will probably ignore those views that they do not agree with, or do not understand. They are generally quite positive.

5. What are some of the difficulties you faced when you started blogging? Such as the technical aspects. Any anecdotes?

For the first year, I had great difficulty in inserting photographs. I read the instructions and followed them closely. But, it just did not work.

This was surprising, as many people appeared to be able to post their pictures and photographs quite easily. I did ask someone for advice, but somehow the advice did not work. So, I gave up for a few months.

One day, I stumbled on the right way, by accident. It was really quite easy to use. I only need to click on the image button (which I did not use before) and locate the image or picture to be inserted. It was so easy.

When my daughter sent me some photos of my grand-daughter learning mathematics at five months old, I was able to upload them into my blog within a few mintues. It was quite easy.

6. Do you consider yourself technologically savvy?

I am knowledgeable in the use of the internet and common software, but does not qualify to be technically savvy. If I have difficulty, I ask the expert to help me. They know the technical matter much more than me.

7. What do your family think of you blogging? Do any of them blog as well?

My daughter and my son wrote their blogs. They do not maintain it as regularly as me. They their their own following among their friends.

8. What do you think of blogs written by the younger generation?

It is a good idea for people to communicate through various channels. A blog is a good channel. If the young people enjoy writing a blog, it is good for them. They can communicate in their own style with their friends and fans.

Each group of people will have to reach out to their friends in their own ways. I do not wish to make any judgement of other people. As long as they write on matters that are useful to other people, the habit should be encouraged.

1 comment:

  1. your blog is definitely one of its kind, I have not come across another similiar blog which is useful and dispense out professional advice for free. It is also simple and easy to read.
