Sunday, May 27, 2007

Invest in a single premium endowment

Dear Mr Tan,

I'm a working mother. I wanted to buy an insurance policy for my retirement, maybe in 10 years' time. I intend to invest $100,000 using my CPF.

My sister asked me to buy an endowment plan for 10 years. Does NTUC income has such a plan? What would you recommend?



If you buy an endowment plan using a single premium, you should be able to get a return of 3 to 4% per annum over 10 years from NTUC Income.

I will ask X to send a quotation to you. You can compare it with the plan offered by your sister.



  1. Mr. Tan,

    Thanks for sharing your expertise.

    Is the endowment better than fixed deposite? is it having any risk?


  2. The endowment gives a better return compared to fixed deposit, but it has to be invested for a term of 10 years.

    The risk is very small.

  3. If you would take a look at the time line planning that is in my blog, you will see such plans.

    The couple did the Growth Policy to leap frog towards their retirement, with other plans as well.

    - Thomas Phua
