Monday, May 21, 2007

Make it easy to move to a new home

In many countries, it is common for a person to move to a new home, if he were to work in another town.

This concept is not yet popular in Singapore.

With traffic congestion, it may be useful to encourage this concept. This may be more suitable for singles and families without children.

To make this possible, a few changes have to be introduced:

* reduce or remove the stamp duty for purchase of property
* make it easy for children to change schools, to be near the home.

I hope that these suggestions can be considered. It will lead to a better quality of life. It will also reduce traffic congestion.


  1. Good idea, Mr. Tan.

    For the past 25 years I had most of the time lived near my work place. It meant moving umpteenth times but so much precious time is saved.

    I was often able to walk to my workplace.

  2. Singapore is already very small. No matter where you move, there will be congestion if you work at a place that is far from your home.

    However, shifting places just because you want to be near your work place will be very tiring if you change job once every 1 or 2 years.

    Another alternative is renting.


  3. wait long long
