Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mr Tan, your blog is boring

Dear Mr. Tan,

You have been coercing people to read your blog. I am afraid, you need to improve your articles somewhat.

You wrote, "I have a good impression of Ottawa". In what way? You need to elalorate on the salient points to persuade readers to your view point.

Am, afraid you blog is getting too boring to justify your growing readership.


  1. Mr. Tan --

    You are very honest to publish such critical replies.

    But they are not representative.

    Your blog is the most interesting I have ever read -- and educational too. I learn a lot from it.

    As for your comment on Ottawa -- it conveys a lot of information to know that you find it interesting.

    Your comment that Ottawa is interesting is interesting.


    Larry Haverkamp

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think this is very interesting, if you think it is boring,please contribute some to make interesting

  4. The readers will decide if the blog is boring.

    If it's really boring as claimed, the readership will drop naturally; regardless how Mr Tan tries to ask people to read their blog.

    On the contrary, the blog will continue to attract people whom find it educational.

  5. I find your blog very interesting and informative. I have recommended it to some of my friends. It's written in simple English so average person can understand. For the guy who complained suggest he look for scholarly articles and fall asleep or go to some porno sites.
