Saturday, May 05, 2007

No need for Medishield insurance

Dear Mr Tan,

I was a civil servant previously. I have retained my civil servant's medical benefits. It allow me unlimited amount for hospital treatment. I have only to 20% of the ward's accommodation charges.

I understand that I cannot made claim from my Medishield Insurance should I be warded, as I am now covered by my current employer as well. Should I discontinue my Medishield insurance plan with NTUC Income.



You are now covered by our current employer. When you retire, you will be covered by the government by life time medical benefits.

In my honest view, you do not really need to have Medishield insurance. I suggest that you cancel this plan and save the premium.

You will have to pay 20% of the ward charges. This is a relatively small amount. You can pay it out of your Medisave account.

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