Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Visit to Vanguard Mutual Fund Group

I visited Vanguard at Valley Forge today.

I met with eight senior executives in charge of various aspects of their operations: retail, institutional, call center, fund accounting, marketing, international, data center and the legendary Jack Bogle.

I had a photograph taken with Mr Bogle. I shall post it into the blog in a few days time.

I learned many useful aspects of the Vanguard way of doing business. They are useful for my IC21 project (Insurance Company for the 21st Century).


  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    Do you have any intention to bring in Vanguard funds, or low cost feeder funds into singapore?

    I believe it would be very well received.We do know that we have access to Vanguard ETFs or IShares ETFs listed on the US stock exchanges. however, last that i am aware, we would still need to face the risks of estate duties cutting our investment by half. What is your opinion on all these?


  2. I am not aware that the investor is subject to estate duty that can take away 50% of the investments.

    I am told that non-US residents may be subject to withholding tax that may reduce the yield on the US-based ETFs. I am exploring this point.

  3. hi mr tan,

    That is probably US estate duty in general for Singaporean investors.

    I would think your connections are more establish then mine. If so, if you have better light on this, could you be kind enough to post it here for us?

