Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Visiting North America

I shall be visiting USA and Canada for 11 days from today.

I am giving a presentation at a conference in Canada. After that, I shall visit my friends in Canada and USA. It will include a visit to the office of Vanguard Group in Pennysylvania. I am meeting the legendary, John Bogle.

During my travel, I will update my blog less regularly.


  1. Dear Mr Tan,

    Is your meeting with Mr Bogle a discussion on the possibility of bringing Vanguard's funds at a lower cost to the masses in Singapore? Just curious...

    indexfundfan @ indextown

  2. I certainly hope they bring Vanguard's funds to sell directly to Singaporeans. It is disappointing that we do not have more choices in low-cost index funds.

  3. Hello Mr. Tan,

    I look forward to your post on your meeting with Mr John Bogle. I hope it will bring good news to investors in Singapore.

    Have a pleasant trip!

  4. Hello

    I have been Writing Blogs for a few months now and I have to say it is hard to come up with new stuff. I was searching for Blogs to get a better idea on what to include in my Blog. I found your great Blog in my search and I truly enjoyed reading it. I will add it to my favorites and I will check back for updates.
    I know a lot of people who would love to read this blog, If I were you I would go to http://www.autosurfmonster.com and submit this Blog so thousands of others see it for free. I wish you warm regards and continued success.


  5. Hi Mr Tan,

    We hope that you can help to keep us posted on my Vanguard cannot bring in low-cost index funds to singapore. Singaporeans will greatly benefit from them.

    Hope to hear their comments here man.

