Thursday, June 28, 2007

Express differing views

The visitor to my blog include:

* ordinary people who are interested in financial education
* insurance and investment professionals

My blog is intended mainly for the ordinary people. Most of them find my views to be educational and useful.

I also welcome the contribution of the professionals, as they add to my limited knowledge. They can tell me more about certain products in the market, to allow me to make an analysis.

Some of them express views that differ from my views. This is all right. They should avoid making judgement. After all, it is just a view.


  1. I find a few who commented in my blog are also trying to rock the boat.

    I suspect they are competitor agents.

    I hope there should be mutual respect, not to do such when one writes a blog to benefit others.


  2. I feel that as a visitor to another person's blog, there is the basic manners that we should observe, for after all, we are guests in another person's house.

    If there is something not agreeable and one has constructive criticism to offer, bring it up respectfully.

    If there is really that need to rant and scream blue murder, may I suggest that one do so in his own blog. Registration for an account is easy and free.

  3. Hosting a blog has its risks. You must be prepared for criticism, views that are different from yours. For this i must commend Mr. Tan for he takes every thing into his strides. As for thomas and jaywalk,from your writing and reading into it i think your trashhold of tolerance is very low. Your choice of words betray both of you.What you mean by "constructive and mutual respect" actually means you want other s to agree and praise you. You must be prepared
    and to learn that there are other views, and sometimes more correct views.

  4. I applaud Mr. Tan for his candid-ness.

    Like a medical condition - every doctor/specialist has their own views on a particular condition, possibly different drugs/treatment perscribed. Not every view is the same and I am sure all views are intended to cure the patient.

    There is no absolute right or wrong nor will there ever be a best product, best solution, best whatever. In fact, what is best today, may not be best 3 months later.

    It is just a viewpoint.

    We should respect Mr. Tan's blog and not use it as a platform to vent our frustrations.

