Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Find out about the new plan first

Dear Mr Tan,

I bought Hi-Saver Investment-link Product in 1999 with a maturity date of 2014. It's fully paid up.

It covers $10,000 for death and permanent disability with a top up on death of $55,000. The money are invested in two funds. The funds have shown a good gain.

Every year, some administration fee and charges are deducted. It looks like quite a lot when added together. I don't like them to deduct all those fees and charges.

I am thinking of terminating this plan, but the life insurance cover will also terminate. What do you think?



Before you terminate the current plan, you should see what is offered by another insurance company, e.g. NTUC Income. You should find out the following:

* premium payable under the level or decreasing term plan that gives similar coverage
* charges under the new investment fund

You should check if the new plan is better, before you decide to terminate the current plan.

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