Saturday, June 02, 2007

Manchester United: A lesson in leadership

I am amazed at the speed by which Manchester United signed up for their top players for the next season.

The top leaders at Manchester United (i.e. the owner, team manager and chief executive) are able to work together. The trust the leadership provided by the team manager, Alex Ferguson.

It has not been easy for Manchester United. They had two lean years, in which they did not win any major trophy. By sticking to their experienced manager, they have rebuilt their team to win the English Premiership.

We read about the disagreement between in Chelsea, between the team manager and the owner. This makes it difficult for the team manager to win the matches in the football field.

Lesson: In the corporate world, the battle has to be fought in the market place. To win the battle, you need to have knowledgeable people who knows the market, and are not hampered by their owners.

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