Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My approach towards my career

Hi Mr Tan,

I'm just finished NS and is currently awaiting for my enrolement into NTU to study engineering. During my free time, I had been thinking about my future goals and what I want to achieve in the future, in my personal development, career, wealth ,and family and friends.

I'm writing to you hoping that you could share with me your advice. What made you chose the path you have choosen? Before you started out did you had a vision of what you want to achieve? Did you just know by instinct that the financial industry was the right fit for you? Was money the primary consideration?

As a corporate veteran, what are your views? Is it really hard to get promoted these days? Do you have any advice on how to successfully climb the corporate ladder? What in your opinion are the most important factors or skills that has contributed to your carrer? Is it the people-skills like they always say (EQ) rather that the credentials? Any tips on how to be a people person ?



I decided to take the actuarial course because it suited my interest. I was strong in mathematics and was able to communicate clearly. These strenghts make it quite easy for me to pass the actuarial course. However, for most other people, this course was considered to be very challenging and difficult.

I know that the actuary is well paid, but it was not an important factor to me. Interest was more important. I enjoy studying the actuarial course, because the subjects are very useful for many aspects of daily lives, eg financial, investment and demographic matters.

I also took an active interest in learning about information technology and how to program computers to do the calcuations, data processing and other work. They help to make it easy for business to be conducted more efficiently, at lower cost and better customer service.

Here is my approach towards promotion in my career:

* I learn the skills that are useful for my work
* I put them to good use, to improve the business results
* The opportunity for promotion will come
* I am patient.

I hope that you find these remarks to be useful.

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