Sunday, July 29, 2007

Avoid Roaming Charges

I spoke to someone in the telco business last night. He told me of this service provided by a third party telco:

* you open an account with the third party telco
* when you are overseas, you can get a local SIM card for your mobilephone
* you send a SMS to the telco to give your new "local" number
* they will divert all calls from your Singapore mobilephone to the "local" number
* you pay local call rate for your incoming calls, plus a small charge to the telco
* they also provide an option for you to update the "local" or diverted number through the internet website

This seems to be a good service, and is quite convenient. He will send me the URL of the service provider.


  1. There are many companies offering this kind of service . Use the search engine and search under VOIP and you get list of them.
    Some operate as MLM and I hope you are not MLMphobia. You will be pleasantly surprised. Contrary to what you thought it is a cost efficient way of doing this type of business.

  2. Yes, this service have been in existent for a long time. It might be surprising to some, but Taiwan, china , hongkong have implemented this service way ahead of us.

    Seriously, i think our operators are lagging behind in terms of innovation to meet consumers needs.

    There is just no incentive to innovate in a near-monopolistic environment.

  3. I just found this service it's a good alternative to cutting roaming bills.
