Monday, July 30, 2007

Use older workers for their strengths

28 July 2007

Forum Page
Straits Times

I refer to the letter from Dr Adrian John Kok entitled "Have policy to protect rights of older workers" (Straits Times, 28 July).

Dr Kok suggested that policies should be in place to address discrimination against older workers in the workplace and to recognise the rights of the people who in their prime contributed to the prosperity of their organisations.

The root cause of the problem is the difficulty of older workers in getting meaningful, well paid jobs in a competitive environment brought about by the free market and globalised economy.

I wish to suggest the following approach to address this issue:

* identify the strengths of older workers
* identify the new jobs where their strengths can be put to better use
* encourage businesses to tap the older workers for their strengths
* encourage the older workers to adapt to the changes

The strengths of older workers are their experience, skills in handling people, understanding of the business and willingness to stay in the same job. These strengths are needed in the new economy where a high standard of customer service gives a competitive edge to businesses.

There are jobs that are more suitable for younger people, and other jobs that are more suitable for older people. if we recognise the difference and can create the right environment to use their respective strengths, there will be ample opportunities for both younger and older workers.

Tan Kin Lian

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