Monday, July 02, 2007

Vanguard Funds

I visited the Vanguard website. Here are the performance of their funds, measured in USD:

1 yr Expense Industry
return ratio average
Prime Money Market 5.22% 0.29%
Short Term Inv Grade 5.73% 0.21% 0.97%
Total Bond Market 6.07% 0.20% 1.02%
Balanced Indexed 14.44% 0.20% 1.10%
Total Stockmarket Ind 20.20% 0.19% 1.14%
Diversifed Stock 20.19% 0.43% 1.14%
Total International St 29.42% 0.32% 1.49%

Vanguard advertised that they have low expense ratio, ie low cost funds. Most of their funds are invested to follow an index. The other funds in the industry are mostly actively managed.

The difference in expense ratio is about 0.8% for one year. If you invest in an actively managed fund, you need to find a manager who is able to earn higher than the market average to cover the higher expense ratio. This is usually quite difficult.

Lesson: Invest in a low cost, well diversified fund.

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