Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More visitors to my blog

The stockmarket turmoil appears to be encouraging more people to read my blog. I used to have an average of 500 visitors on weekdays. I received 1,500 visitors during the last two days. This is 50% more than average.


  1. Mr. Tan, more people are visiting your blog because you have an open policy and you are tolerant of views expressed. People like to have diverse views.
    Although you are also taking risks of an attack but so far I have seen none except for some strong views.
    We've learned a lot from various postings on various subjects and not only on insurance and finance. At least our view of the insurance industry is now widened. We now know more, example like the posting on the newly launched product, revosave ,by Income. We are aware of the features and we will not be
    taken in by the agents of Income.
    Thank you, Mr. Tan, for your stout heartedness and vision. We hope you will continue to open up your blog.

  2. I visited your blog daily. I learnt a lot from you and I always encourage my friends and colleagues to visit it.
