Thursday, August 09, 2007

SMS Marketing

Are you involved in marketing? There is a new way of marketing that can get a quality lead for a low cost. It involves sending a SMS to targetted customers, based on their profile.

It will also give an attractive benefit to the targeted customers - which can be supported by lower marketing cost.

More details are shown in this FAQ.


  1. Perhaps a business can be made out from SMS marketing for someone like me who have no idea how to reach out to thousands of people in a short period of time.

    Someone may set up a company to provide such service to interested companies or individuals. This company can collaborate with data mining companies and send sms to selected group of people according to the market the companies wants to reach out.

  2. Two insurance agents have approached me to produce sales leads using SMS marketing. They are interested to pay for the cost of the leads.

    I am working with a company that has the database to select suitable customers, based on their profile. This will reduce the cost of generating the sales leads.

    I hope that this new method will be more efficient for the advertiser and the customer.

    It will help if the advertiser is willing to offer a discount or incentive for a sale that is generated through this channel.
