Thursday, August 23, 2007

Suitable plans for a young person

Hi Mr Tan,

I have just bought a Limited Premium Living Policy on $100,000 coverage.

I am wondering what other plans in the market I can purchase to provide a more cost-effective coverage on a lower cost. There are so many plans in the market. I am very confused.

Is there a rule of thumb of how much coverage a person should have? Would buying term insurance be more cost-effective when starting out on a career?


I hope that this FAQ will help you to make the right decision.


  1. I don't know how old are you but if you are above thirty you must be paying a bomb. If you are thirty and above you need more than 100K to cover treatment aND RePLACEMENT OF INCOME.If you have bought an ordinary wholelife living you would have a much bigger coverage with the premium you are paying for the limited premium living plan.They say buying a limited premium plan means paying for a limited coverage.
    Take the advice of Mr. Tan. Go for term and invest the difference.
    The limited premium is meant for the rich.

  2. $100k Whole Life cover is a good choice. Limited option chosen if liquidity (after savings for other purposes) is not a problem for you.

    Whole Life Critical Illnesses cover is important under following circumstances.
    1) Alternative Medicine
    2) Medical Expenses not covered under a typical medical insurance
    3) Misc Expenses such as extra transportation and employing a maid, etc

    As for the temporary needs. We can look into Term insurances.
    A good measure will be 3 to 5 times your annual income. This is the approximately period where one is not able to work during a period of Critical Illnesses.

    The above is true only if the person have a comprehensive Medical Insurance such as a Shield Plan with a Rider that covers the deductible and Co-insurance.

  3. An added advise: before signing, make sure that suitable riders are added to yr policies & reread e fine print. 'Caveat Emptor' aka buyers beware!
