Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Surgical operation was not helpful

I know of someone who passed away recently. He was over 70 years. He had been on kidney dialysis for many years. He spent two months in a public hospital but they did not operate on him.

Later, he went to a private hospital to carry out an operation. He passed away from some complication arising from the operation. The medical bill was $60,000.

Lesson: Avoid taking an operation at an old age, unless it is clear that the operation is useful and is not risky. Seek a second opinion before carrying out the surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Some time when emotions is concern, it is very difficult to decide.

    My mum is diabetic, and she always told us, if anything happens, just let her go, long term effect of medication will affect kidneys.

    She said if kidney dialysis is needed, she rather go and ask that she need not have to go through.

    Some time between money spent, and emotions, we will rather just pay for our loved ones.

    She was under the Government OPD care for diabetes, but medication took a toll on her health, as I suspect the OPD medicine is not good enough and the doctors are not able to monitor her closely, even sending her to specialist in SGH, and her condition became worst.

    OPD medication cost not much, but on referal by a relative to a neighbourhood clinic that specialised in treating Diabetes, her medicine cost $500 and the difference is she is SO MUCH better after switching from OPD to a specialist clinic.

    So some we have decided, it is worst to continue the treatment than to go back to OPD.

    I am not condemning the OPD, but private clinic medicine though expensive but works well.

    - Thomas Phua
