Monday, August 06, 2007

Waiting time for public buses

The Public Transport Council in Singapore has set a standard on the waiting time for public buses during peak periods.

In my view, they should focus on the following indicators:

* getting buses to keep to a schedule
* ensuring that the buses are not over-crowded

In other countries, most buses run on a time schedule. There may be only a few services in a day. The passengers know the expected arrival time and can plan their travelling according to this schedule. The buses are not full, so everyone has a seat.


  1. SBS and MRT are not a charity.

    1) They never had a service standard.
    2) Keeping a schedule is not a priority
    3) Ensuring that people get seats is not a priority

    Both are ****ed up companies interested in lining their pockets than providing a service to citizens.

    I think that if politicians want to stay in power, they better work out who they are serving. Their own pockets or the people.

    Maybe they should consider a citizen's -only bus service.

  2. You are one of those who tested our public transport system and know its flaws.

    If you have the chance, tell our transport ministers about it. There are still rooms for improvement.

  3. Once i was travelling bus 145 from Cantonment Road to Harbourfront. The distance is only 5 bus stops away but the bus took 15 mins to reach. When i asked the driver why he was travelling at 30-40kmh, he explained that he needs to follow the schedule.

    Shldn't SBS revise the routing /schedule in this respect???
