Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Investing CPF savings

Mr Tan,

Any advice on investing CPF savings?


1. Transfer the maximum amount to the special account, to earn a higher interest rate of 4 percent.

2. Keep a modest amount of your ordinary account to meet a few monthly installments of your property. Invest the remainder in a low cost, diversified equity fund, as explained in this FAQ. You are likely to earn a higher return on this fund, compared to the interest charged on your housing loan.

3. Talk to a financial adviser, to make sure that the figures are up-to-date, and correct.


  1. The best advice from Mr. Tan to manage your CPF money. Don't squander it on some bad investment which gives either miserable return or too risky.
    Always seek a good adviser for help
    and not a salesman. There is a world of difference.

  2. Your decision to invest the CPF savings depends on several factors such as:
    1) Your Investment Horizon
    2) Your Risk Tolerance
    3) Your Financial Capabilities
    4) Your Needs for taking Risk

    Talk to your adviser, he or she should be able to share more when your requirements are understood.
