Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Legacy of Goh Choo San

Goh Choo San was a Singaporean, well known in the dance circles in America and was the resident chereographer of the Washington Ballet prior to his death in 1987.

The Singapore Dance Theatre is making a special performance showing the dance pieces of Goh Choo San, to commerate the 20th anniversary of his death. This will be performed at the Esplanade Theatre on Saturday, 8 pm.

If you have a free evening, come and watch this performance. Tickets are available at a modest price of less than $70.

1 comment:

  1. The attendance at this ballet was much better than expected. On both nights, the attendance is over 80%, which is higher than previous performances.

    I invited five guests to the performance. They were impressed with the high standard of dancing and found it to be an enjoyable evening.
