Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Selecting a Shield plan


The situation is between the gap in Shield Plan for the Deductible and Co-insurance that is difficult to balance. The other scenario is one has employer benefit, and Shield Plan acts as a backup.

Shield Plan is a primary need. If one has not other coverage, look at covering the Deductible and Co-insurance. Insurers like Ntuc Income has Plus Rider that covers the Deductible and Co-insurance gap nicely.

Then again, some people do a low plan, example Plan Basic and seek private hospital care, then there will be a different scenario.

Some time it is difficult to decide on type of level of coverage unless one is sure which type of medical care one will need. Generally, most will be comfortable in B1 or B2 government restructured hospital care.

Most parents will prefer private hospital care for their young children. Some ladies, like privacy when come to woman's problem and sough private medical care.

Unless one is able to be firm on the need, some time overlapping cover may be useful in such situation.

But example if one has Plan Preferred with Rider, this will cover mostly all types of care, as this is private hospital level of plan.

Thomas Phua

1 comment:

  1. Getting one H$S plan to address catastrophic illness is sufficient.
    If it has deductible and coinsurance the premium should be cheap.Because it is a reimburse type of plan, self insure the deductibles and save the premium for other coverage like critical illness which pays a lump sum in the event of a dread illness.
    The problem is most customers want to claim every cent. They don't understand and often are not clear about their goals. The insurance agents who sold it were of no help
    either.They end up having to pay so much premium which could have been allocated somewhere to meet other needs. Over insured and overlapping result.
