Saturday, October 06, 2007

Look after the interest of others

Dear Mr Tan

I helped out in a polling for the Lift Upgrading of my block. The Member of Parliament urged residents to cast in their "YES" votes.

Sadly, one resident committee member went round to urge the residents not to do so. He wanted HDB to guarantee that they will make good any damages caused by the upgrading. HDB agreed to try their best, but is not able to match his full demand. Upgrading work involves thousands of residents. How could HDB meet everybody's need?

I have respected him as a RC committee member all these years. I have now changed my view on him.


I think that the resident committee member should put the interest of the residents above his personal interest.

1 comment:

  1. This message should be directed at insurance agents. Instead of fleecing the customers with unwanted and expensive products they should find ways to add value to the customers. First, go back to school to acquire more knowledge and skills in financial planning if you are sincere and caring. If you don't ,you are just a hypocriteYou are another salesperson whose motive is to make money at the expense of the poor customers.
