Friday, October 12, 2007

Medication to relieve pain from gout

I had pain in my foot due probably to gout caused by high uric acid. I visited a hospital in Jakarta. The doctor prescribed Zoletrol to me.

I told him that I was prescribed with Difnal diclofenac in Singapore. He referred to a drug book and told me that Difnal is a pain killer.

I checked Google and found the following:

Diclofenac (marketed as Voltaren, Voltarol, Diclon, Dicloflex Difen, Difene, Cataflam, Pennsaid, Rhumalgan, Modifenac, Abitren, Arthrotec and Zolterol, with various drug dose combinations) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) taken to reduce inflammation and an analgesic reducing pain in conditions such as in arthritis or acute injury. It can also be used to reduce menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea.

Diclofenac is available as a generic drug in a number of formulations. Over the counter (OTC) use is approved in some countries for minor aches and pains and fever associated with common infections.

I also found that Difnal is another brand name for diclofenac.

Lesson: Learn about the drugs that you are prescribed with. You can check with Google. Usually, it refers to Wikipedia.


  1. From your account, I am surprised that the Jakarta doctor told you Difnal is a pain killer and sold you Zoletrol. Not sure if Zoeltrol gives better commissions.

    He should have given you Difnal as you have not experienced adverse effects or intolerence to it. Zoeltrol carries unknown risk.

    Are you implying the drugbook that the Jakarta doctor had used is outdated or the doctor is outdated?

  2. Hi Tan,
    I don't know if my comment will be useful for you now as this post is a little bit old but I think that will bring definitive benefits for your readers.
    So as you have very well stated Diclofenac is an NSAID and such anti-inflammatory drugs bring usually some support in different pain conditions BUT NOT during an acute gout attack where the pain is debilitating, as well you can't opt for the other drug kinds (prescribed usually for gout pain) as consuming a lot of such products will cause more harms for sure to the kidney as well as maybe to the liver, and you know that the uric acid can up due to 3 causes, high purines diet, cells death AND kidney failure. So allow me to present a highly efficient and safe lotion I recommend usually to every Gout sufferer to get Immediate gout pain relief (7 to 15 min) as well to remove uric acid crystals joint deposit to avoid further complications like Arthritis.
    For any question, I'll glad to assist as much as I can!
    Great times Everybody,

  3. Diclofena is good remedy. To get relief from pain another remedy is herbal Gout supplements. Try this and this is actually effective to manage uric acid level.
