Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nearly 50 years ago

This is a photograph of my primary 4 class, nearly 50 years ago. I am grateful to my teacher, Henry Phang, who kept this photograph.

I was surprised to see that none of the students in my class wore spectacles in those days. Actually, I was already short sighted at that age. Today, many children wear spectacles at a much younger age.

For those who know me, can you guess where I was in that picture?


  1. Are you the one on the extreme right on the last row?

    I don't know you....but he looks like a semblance of you!



    PS. A word of consolaton...even if my guess was wrong, not bad eh....the boy was very handsome and smart looking

  2. Top row, extreme right.

  3. Thanks, folks. You are both right.

    I came from a poor family. So, I could not afford to buy photos during my primary school days.

    This is the only photo of my primary school, and it was the property of my teacher.

    He allowed me to take a scanned copy.

  4. I thought since the answer is out, I just take a second look.

    You look quite the same then and now on photo.

    Is it a photocopy? Ha ha ha...

    Quite easy to spot you with your arms folded.

    You definitely do not look poorer than other kids then.

    You have a more rounded look. Handsome.

    - Thomas Phua
