Thursday, October 25, 2007

Shower system for a hotel room

I had stayed in many hotels around the world. Most of them have hot and cold water system in the bathroom that are not easy to use. They forget that the hotel guests are usually visiting their hotel for the first time.

One frequent problem is that, if you have just used the soap, you are not able to turn the knob of the taps.

Recently, I visited the Conrad Hotel in Brussels. It has a user-friendly system for hot and cold water. You use one control to decide on the temperature of the water and a separate control for the volume of the water, i.e. to turn on and off.


  1. Looks complicating to me.
    Perhaps one day, they will digitalise it and show us the exact temperature of the water.

  2. FYI, Conrad Centennial Singapore is one of the recipients of this year's Singapore Quality Award (SQA). I am not surprised Conrad has this customer oriented consideration.

    Reference here


  3. The advantages of this system are:

    1. You set the temperature using the lower knob.

    2. If you do not change this knob, you will get the same temperature the next time that you use it.

    3. The upper knob controls the volume of water. You can move the knob easily even if there is soap in your hand.
