Sunday, October 07, 2007

Time to switch from equity funds?

Mr Tan,

I have bought some Prime and Trust fund from NTUC for sometime already. The funds already in market for many years and the prices are high now and I am thinking to let go and switch to another fund with higher potential in longer period.


1. Should I continue to invest in the current funds? Are they at their peak?

Reply: I do not know. In my case, I decided to keep my investments in the combined growth fund.

2. Should I switch to another fund? Which fund will you recommend?

Reply: If you decide to move out of these funds, you can put them in the money market fund, which earns about 2% to 2.5%.

3. What do you think is the market benchmark to sell?

Reply: I think that the current market is rather high. If you wish to take profit and wait for a further time to re-invest, perhaps now is a good time. But, really, it is difficult to say.

I hope that this FAQ may be helpful to you.

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