Friday, October 05, 2007

Visit other countries

When I travel to foreign courntries, I hvae to complete a few forms - entry, customs, health and currency controls.

Some of these forms asked for repeat or unnecessary information, such as address in that country, reason for the visit, etc.

I suspect that most information is hardly used, except for statistical analysis for tourism purpose.

Surely, it is time to discontinue most of these forms?

Visitors into Singapore are required to complete some forms. Are they really necessary? Even tourism statistics can be obtained from other sources or through a sample survey.

I hope that Singapore can set an example and get rid of the unnecessary forms, that are a burden to visitors. This may start a process for other countries to simplify their entry procedures.

When I visited Europe, I recalled that I was not required to complete any form at all. That is most welcomed!


  1. Someone told me that he used to write nonsense in the form. Nobody bothered. Nobody paid attention.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. when write nonsense and have the possibility of ending up in trouble.

    try not to be mischievious in foreign land.

    Respect the sovereignty of the country.
