Friday, October 26, 2007

Unncessary trouble and expenses

I lost a share certificate 10 years ago. I was registered as the shareholder in the company's books. As I did not have the certificate, I could not transfer the share to the Central Depository of the Singapore Exchange.

Recently, I decided to apply for a new certificate to be issued, so that it can be tranferred to the Central Depository.

I faced a lot of trouble, time and expenses in handling this simple matter. It is so wasteful and quite uncecessary.

It is due to the inconsiderate procedures and requirements of the banks, share registrar and the Singapore Exchange. I shall describe my experience in more detail in later postings.

My experience shows the ugly side of Singapore behaviour. Many organisations are so keen to reduce their cost and make more profits, that they add a lot of trouble and expenses to the consumer. Nobody seems to care!

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