Sunday, November 11, 2007

Avoid abusive comments

Someone has been posting abusive comments against insurance agents and the Revosave product. I have blocked more than 1 dozen of these comments during the past few days.

I will only allow comments expressed that shows respect to other people.


  1. Mr. Tan, i think you are sympathetic towards NTUC agents. I don't blame you, after all you were the CEO.
    But then there is a great need to demolish and to debunk the arguments for the products that they are promoting to the public, especially the products that are damaging to the interest of the consuming public.They must be exposed. If there is no alternative views your readers may think that the products are alright.Your readers trust the NTUC brand which you built over the years. In your time any products that were introduced people were confident that they were good. But not now. People must not labour under that delusion that the products by NTUC are as good as those launched during your time. If the products are not good they must be challenged vigorously. They cannot be allowed to ride on the good name and brand you painstakingly built.
    That is why you find the product REVOSAVE has attracted a lot of attention and been strongly challenged. A lot of negative analysis has been done and Dr. Money has provided the public with a good balanced view of this product a few times in the New Paper. Of course , there were postings that were carried away
    and too strong in language but the intention was well meaning.
    We must expose bad products and unethical insurance salesmen. I believe this is also your blog's objective, not just to educate but to expose the sellers and their products.
    I hope you will not decline my posting. Thank You

  2. I agree with the above that we need to expose dubious products and unethical selling method.
    Products that hide behind some so called life style and which deliver half measure are marketing gimmicks which aim to delude the unwary customers.
    Coupled with confusing concept and making customers going through a maze of empty and imaginative wants is unethical and miss-representation loaded.
    These are the kinds of products that are appearing in the market and which have no financial planning value.The public must be warned .
    To be fair to the seller the product will be subjected to severe testing to see if it really benefits the public.

  3. Mr Tan has be impartial in allowing non-abusive and meaningful comments to be posted with no edits in this blog. This blog already serves as another voice to the public.

