Monday, November 19, 2007

Car Pooling

We need to promote car pooling.

Many of the guests attending an event usually come on their own, in a separate car. The road to the venue is usually congested. There is inadequate parking spaces. After the event, there is a long wait to move out of the car park.

If there is an efficient way to organise the guests, perhaps the number of cars coming to the event can be reduced by half.


  1. Just thought I could add some points:

    1. Back in the 80s, Singapore used to have car-pooling, but it was discontinued due to poor response. Is it feasible to bring it back again - it is like backtracking (considering that we have advanced to the modern hi-tech ways of electronic road pricing).

    2. As an alternative to car-pooling, event organisers can consider hiring buses to pick up people from designated points, especially where there are huge car parks and bring them to the event location and bring them back again to get their cars when it is over. It may reduced the congestion.

  2. hmm speaking of carpooling ever heard about the or
