Saturday, November 17, 2007

High cost of motoring

My friend told me that the cost of motoring has shot up significantly.

1. It now cost more than $100 to fill up a petrol tank.
2. ERP charges have increased
3. Parking charges are very expensive.

I advised him to use public transport, i.e. MRT and buses and to carry a public transport guide (available for $6 from a bookstore). It is convenient and cheaper and avoid the stress of driving along congested roads.

He agreed to consider my suggestion.


  1. A letter to ST forum today said MRT is packed during peak hr, also personal hygiene and body odour of people here (we are in the tropics, unlike Japan) and women being disadvantaged. And all this due to fast growing immigrant adult population policy of government for economic growth.
    I agree above is very true, common and unpleasant but there is no improvement in train frequency despite feedback. Because of no competition?

  2. At least you can switch to public transport but FOOD. Can you? I am feeling the pressure especially when
    the increase of the prices is not justifiable, some as high as 50%.I can't boycott my stomach, can I?
    Inflation is really insidious. It chisels away not bit by bit but a big chunk of your hard earned money.
    Are your readers or investors aware of this?

  3. I agree that packed trains has a few inconveniences. But I would like to highlight that compared with other countries, we are much much better. have you tried rush hour in japan, china, new york or hong kong? too bad for women and people sensitive to body odours because this is the lifestyle of the urban city - the people who complained may be too spoilt and expected everything to be perfect.

    one reader mentioned about food - i think it's not too bad -- just get the food court/stall uncle/aunty to add more rice for you - you usually get it free or add $0.30 more. Again, compared this with other countries which has been hit by bad weather or poor economy - please know that they have no food to eat.

    Before complaining about Singapore traffic system or inflation, look at the bright side, we are much better off than many countries in the world.

    1. It is logical that it costs more to fill up petrol tank. It is a worldwide phenomenon due to rise in old price - supply and due and rising of need for oil in developing countries.

    2. It is logical to expect ERP increase as this is due to too many people wanting to use the same stretch of road at peak hours. There are other roads that you can take with using the roads with ERP gantry - the time is longer but you avoid the ERP. I always try to leave home before 7 am and leave work after 10pm to avoid ERP.

    3. It is logical parking charges are expensive because lack of parking lot and therefore due to supply and demand, the price goes up. Park and ride system is a good idea too.

    Think another way: using our roads cost more means progress for the nation. Who wants to go back to old days of uneven kampung roads with potholes, longkang and no traffic lights? This progress is the result of years of good governance and the support that the people gave to the efficient and forward-looking government.

    The fact that you can see and write on this blog showed that you are better than the other 80% of the world where they don't even have easily assessable broadband, free speech and computers.

    The next time you complain about modern conveniences that Singapore has, think Myammer, Thailand, Africa, Nepal, Timbuktu and you will realise how lucky and wonderful we are in this blessed country.
