Thursday, November 08, 2007

Problem with high profile charities

Hi Mr Tan,

What are your views about the problems with our high profile charities? First NKF. Now Ren Ci. Is it due to weak corporate governance in Singapore?


I think that the problem is wider. In both cases, the charities are raising a lot of money compared to the number of their direct beneficiaries.

Perhaps, Singaporeans are not so discerning and are too generous in contributing to high profile causes?

1 comment:

  1. Donating to charities is a noble act, because we are helping the needy and unfortunate people, who are often being left aside.
    However, I am amused by a report where a very generous person who helped to pay a fine for a student almost jailed for hacking into the school's computer system.
    Are we encouraging such acts which are obviously criminal?

