Thursday, November 08, 2007

Public Transport needs to be improved

A few people have commented that the public transport in Singapore is not satisfactory and needs to be improved.

I agree.

I find that driving is not easy either, due to our congested roads and high ERP and parking charges.

Here is my interim solution:

1. I take MRT as far as possible
2. I carry the "Public Transport Guide" which shows the bus stops and services. This helps me to find a bus that takes me to the nearest MRT station or from the station to my destination.

I have suggested to SMRT to display a map showing all the bus stops within 2 km of a station and the bus services at these stops. This will help commuters to find a bus for the last leg of the journey.

I hope that the Land Transport Authority will introduce feeder buses to bring commuters to the nearest MRT station.

Note: I bought the Public Tranport Guide from Popular Bookstore and paid $6.11. It is called Signapore Public Transport Guide 2007/8. It is quite handly and is about 25% of the thickness of a normal street directly.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud for your effort in contributing ideas on how to improve things. Your voice should carry a heavier weight - I think.

