Thursday, December 13, 2007

700 visitors

I have an average of 700 visitors to my blog. It has been "stuck" at this level for the past few weeks.

I wish to bring the vistors to above 1,000 a day. I need your assistance. Please publicise my blog to 5 friends. If 1 respond, I will be able to achieve my target.

Help me to reach out to more people. I want to educate them on how they can better plan for their future. They will enjoy my stories, like you do.


  1. You're likely to have more than 700 visitors. I, for one, use an RSS client to view your blog which do not account for a "unique visitor" in conventional analytics.

    Given the opportunity, I will mention your blog to my friends, especially for insurance and financial concepts.

  2. Friend's referrals is just one way to increase readership. Another is to make your blog appear higher on Google searches, which primarily depends on how many other websites/blog link to yous. By quickly glancing on the blogs you link, I see that not many link you back. You should ask them to.

  3. Dear Mr Tan,

    You are wrong, I will not publicise to 5 friends.

    I will publicise to ALL my frens and make sure at least half of them convert their "blog-ligion"

    Cheers and big kudoz!

  4. Your blog is one of the most educational but not everyone loves it. The rogue insurance agents don't.
    They feel exposed and their days of reckoning is here.

  5. 52 people subscribed to your feed with google reader.

    (How to check no. of subscribers)

  6. on bloglines, you got 38 subscribers:
