Thursday, December 06, 2007

Are you on the sucker's list?

HAVE you fallen for a scam before? Then beware. It is quite likely that you will be targeted again.

A possible reason: There is a 'suckers' list circling the globe. Once you go for a scam, the chances are good your name will be added to the list. And a victim has one chance in three of getting roped into another scam within a year of falling for the first.,4136,141132,00.html?

1 comment:

  1. Almost all of us are potential suckers. We may not know when we will fall prey to the scams even we have installed safeguards. One of these days when our guards are down, there it goes you become a victim.
    With a lot of scammers in your midst there is a good chance.
    Take the life insurance industry for example, despite we hear of unethical practices and unscrupulous agents it is still thriving and growing. We have been victims of insurance scammers time and again and we can still be victim because we never learn.
    A sucker is born every minute. The insurance agents know this. That is why they say work on numbers or life insurance is a numbers game. Work on the numbers and you will be sure to get your sucker. The 10-3-1
    modus operandi is what they learned from the start.You think they learned how to help you plan and meet your goals?
