Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Director takes public transport

I met the head of a school in a polytechnic. He told me that he has been using public transport for the past ten years. He keeps his car at home to be used by his wife. He prefers to take public transport to work, as it is more convenient. He also save a lot of money on petrol, ERP charges and parking.

His students asked him why he takes public transport, instead of a private cae. He said that it gives him the chance to know see things from the perspective of the students. He gets a better feel of the ground.

I agree.


  1. The school director must be from either Singapore, Nanyang or Republic Polytechnic

  2. this is very good! and it would be even better if MP, ministers, prime minister, and president would take public transport as well

  3. This is the true spirits of showing fine example of being at the top of a good school.It must be emphasised that if all our leaders,including those MPs and grassroots'leaders are able to lead with fine examples .Our society is so fragile and complex,if our own leaders are able to sacrifice a little ,our society will be more tolerable and gracious.That see how it move from here...
    Thanks Mr.Tan to share this story with us.

  4. I read a story that Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City, takes public transport to work every day. I saw a magzine picture of him at the platform of subway station.

    Some people remarked that he only took the train a part of the way. But, it is still a fine gesture.

  5. It will be good if the minister for transport and the whole ministry can lead the way by taking public transports and do away with the luxury of cars.

    If the governments can start motivating themselves with a little incentives in mind,our roads will be less conggested,how nice??

    Being a small nation,I strongly believe we could archieve a smooth and less conggested traffics and can tell the world,this little 'red dot'is determined to solve their own country land shortages problems.

  6. I agreed with the little sacrifice by the readers' suggestions that the governments should lead the way by taking pubic transports.There are more benefits to reap from this exercise..for example,
    it will by small part,the republic could constribute towards 'Global Warming' and reduce road congestion in the republic,Singapore.

    For the above to be implemented,the Governments should kick-start with a campaign organised by either LTA or the Ministries concerned.

    Thanks Mr.Tan for the caption'Director takes public transport'that attracts my attention.

    Resident of Bt Batok.
