Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Helpful cashier

My daughter went to a drug store in Taipei to look for a specific medication. She could not find it on ths shelf. She approached the cashier.

The cashier said that the medication is not sold in the store. Without being asked, she immediately told he customer where she can buy it from another nearby store. That is helpfulness.

Why is it possible for the cashier to be helpful?
1. She is a local person, who knows the customers and their lifestyle
2. She has worked there for a few years and acquired good knowledge of the product.

I shall do some research to find out if the cashier earns an adequate salary. This will encourage her to stay in the same job for a long time.

There are lessons to be applied in Singapore, if we still aim to be a gracious society.


  1. My girlfriend attended a course at Taipei few weeks ago. The locals are all very helpful and their hospitality are simply amazing. They volunteered to be tour guide and brought visitors around Taipei. Many of the food expenses were all on the house.


  2. Dear Mr. Tan,

    I support your idea to do the survey.

    However, I'm afraid that such good attitude is not much depending on the salary. I hope I'm wrong.


  3. Will insurance agents refer clients to other insurers if they do have the products their clients need?
    Some may but many won't. If they do they demand referral fee.Most try to find substitutes no matter what from their own company and try to justify by false and misrepresentation. This is the worse as this speaks volumes that the insurance agents are narrow minded and selfish.

  4. I've been living in Taipei for 2.5 years. Customer service here is so much better than in Singapore. To me, it really boils down to empathy and placing customers' needs above profits.
