Saturday, December 01, 2007

Insurance for disabled child

Dear Mr. Tan,

My son suffers from an Autism Spectrun Disorder (ASD). My wife and I worry about his insurance needs. We have consulted a few insurance advisers but they are unable to tell us whether their companies are willing to insure our child.

Underwriters are generally unfamilar with ASD. Many have the misconception that ASD people are violent and would do harm to themselves or others.

My son is very mild on the ASD spectrum and he currently attends a mainstream primary school. I would really like to cover him under a Living Policy (for permanent disability or critical illness) and a medical and hospitalisation policy (e.g. Medishield or private Shield).

How do we go about getting him covered? My son has been diagnosed by a few highly qualified psychologists to be very mild on the ASD spectrum. What else would an underwriter require? Would the underwriter recommends their panel doctor to examine my son? Who would pay for the consultation?

I hope you could recommend an agent to help me find the insurance application.


I suggest that you approach two insurance companies (e.g. NTUC Income and Aviva) and see if they are willing to insure your son.

If both are unwilling, you have this option:
1. Open an investment account (e.g. unit trust) for your son and make monthly savings into this account.
2. If your son needs medical attention, see if you can send him to a B2 or C ward, where a large part of the cost is subsidised by the government.
3. You can pay for the medical expenses out of the investment account.

1 comment:

  1. As insurance cover is really difficult to get:

    1st,a gd investment a/c will be best suited for yr child..2nd, get a trustee to oversee e assets for your child in e future..3rd, have a frank talk with someone who will most likely take care of yr child's needs in e future

    There is actually a market for this type of care in Singapore, but for now it is slowly but gradually growing in numbers..

    This could also suit the young who have unfortunately fallen ill due to some reason or other but have a long lifespan & may have e resources to last for some time..
