Monday, December 17, 2007

Logic Quizzes at my website

Here is a treat for enthusiasts of the Logic Quiz.

You can have more quizzes from my website:



  1. Dear Mr Tan

    I have downloaded the pdf file containing many puzzles with the soltions at the back.

    It is almost like a puzzle book, and it is free.

    Thank you for being so generous to provide it to the public. I will enjoy many hours of fun with the puzzles.

    I will also try to get my family members to be interested to solve them.

  2. You are most welcomed. I hope that you can get your friends to be interested.

    I shall teach the technique to solve this type of puzzle later on.

    Let me try to get someone to write a powerpoint to demonstrate it.

    Any volunteers to develop this powerpoint? Send an e-mail to

  3. Dear Mr Tan

    I have tried a few quizzes. Although the quizzes are all different, they seem to follow a certain style.

    After I learn the technique, I can solve them quite fast.

    Is this correct?
