Saturday, December 01, 2007

Making a Third Party Claim


I met with an accident recently. My vehicle was damaged as I steered it to my right to avoid the collision with the other party. It was obviously the negligence from the other party. The other driver apologized to me. I told her i going to claim from her insurance company and she agreed. We exchanged our particulars and she drove off for her work. There was no written agreement was signed.

I sent my vehicle to Idac center for assessment. I wanted to make a third party claim, but was advised by my workshop to make a own damage claim first, as the other party might go back on her words.

The workshop will try to help me to do a third party claim against the other party for the Excess, NCD and the loss of use. Is this the proper way of claiming insurance?


It is all right to let the workshop make the third party claim on your behalf. If they are successful, you can ask your insurance company to allow you to keep the No Claim Discount. I hope that you have contact with the other party and can ask her to keep to her word.

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