Friday, April 27, 2007

Plan with different charges


Dear Mr. Tan,

NTUC Income has several plans, such as IB1, IB2, IB4 and Flexi-cash with different policy charges? I was angry that the adviser from the business center did not tell me about IB1 which don't need to pay annual policy fee. I have a friend who signed for ID2 plan. He learned later from your blog that ID7 plan (no need to pay 45% fee) was available.

Many advisors from business center only talk about Life or Limited Life, but did not recommend Term or Decreasing Term.


Sometimes, the earlier plans are withdrawn by the company and are not available for the adviser to sell.

Generally, it is true that the adviser prefer to sell a plan that give higher commission to them - at the expense of the customer. Some "honest" advisers will recommend the plan that gives the best value to the customer.

The 45% fee under ID2 is low, compared to similar plans in the market (which takes away up to 150%). See

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