Friday, December 14, 2007

Singapore Equity funds

Dear Mr. Tan,

There are several types of Singapore equity. Eg. AXA Inspire Singapore Equity Fund, DBS Horizon Singapore Equity, DBS Aberdeen Singapore Equity. What is the difference between them all? Isn't all Singapore equity?


Each fund manager decides on the stocks, within the class of Singapore equity, that they wish to invest in. The return depends on the stock selection made by each fund manager.

I prefer to invest in a fund, such as the STI ETF that invests in the index stocks. It is well diversified and is low cost. You will get a better net return over the long term.

Read this FAQ:

1 comment:

  1. i tried to buy STI ETF today.

    STI ETF 100 buy 36.5 | sell 36.7
    STI ETF 100 iopv 35.155
    STI 3432

    it seemed that STI ETF is over valued. i have to buy it at 36.5 even though it's actually valued at 35.155.

    if suppose i want to sell. will i be able to sell all my lot at 36.5?
    or will it be closer to 35.155 ?

    how much lot must i buy so that the fund manager takes in at 35.155 which is the fair value for the stock.

    has anyone else traded with STI ETF yet? the transaction volume is so low that market is distorted...
